Food has always reflected society. Here in Quebec, we haven’t always been – and are not – all shepherd’s pie and poutine. “We are what we eat.” If we take this logic further, we would first consider our Amerindian legacy: corn, sugar, potatoes, and lard (this is not too far from our famed shepherd’s pie combination of cooked meat, corn, and potatoes). However, our rich agricultural resources quickly enabled us to add poultry, pork, and beef to the menu, as well as several fresh vegetables – available in season only back then. The rest of the time, people got by with vegetables they had preserved earlier. The sixties then marked the arrival of several restaurant chains and of the fast food we all know.
The contents of our plate also reflect our knowledge and expertise, and now, with the emergence of the Internet, information can be found with just a few clicks. Consumers are thus more informed, which is mirrored by the increased popularity of vegetarian and plant-based diets, as well as the growing trend to make more healthy food choices. Quebecers want to know and have a heightened awareness of what’s on their plates. We also experience life at a much faster pace. Thus, we need a diet that fits with all of these new factors.
I met with Marie-Eve Prévost, Co-Founder of the young business MissFresh – which launched its activities last summer! She explained that it all started when she met up with her brother in Australia. She fell in love with the place, the people, and their very relaxed lifestyle (hard not to be relaxed when you live by the sea) where the work-life balance is amazingly on an even keel. Down Under, she discovered a meal-delivery service that her brother had signed up for, which she also fell in love with. “I couldn’t believe that such a concept wasn’t already rampant in Montreal, where the pace of life is so much faster!” She seized the opportunity to import the idea to Quebec and, through a market study, discovered that worldwide 8% of the food industry was online, while in Canada this figure was no more than 1%.
Are you having an off day?
Everyone has been through this before: you come home from work and try to find the motivation to cook up a meal that will not take you forever to prepare and that will not completely ignore your healthy eating habits. MissFresh is a perfect meal solution for 2016. I was intrigued by the concept and decided to give it a try. On the MissFresh website, you can create an account and pick the plan that best suits your situation and preferences, to receive a box filled with servings for either 3 or 5 meals of fresh and mainly local food once a week. You can choose the number of servings you want, and select the vegetarian or meat-included option. The refrigerated box (capable of keeping the food inside fresh for more than 24 hours!) is made from recycled materials and is 100% recyclable. It will be delivered at your door and will contain all the pre-portioned ingredients required for your recipe, which can be prepared in 30 minutes max! Honestly, the three recipes I received were simply delicious and very easy to make. Servings are generous, so you will have plenty left over for the next day’s lunch, or they will satisfy even the heartiest of appetites!
Let yourself be taken care of
“This concept appeals a lot to the elderly, who want to remain independent for as long as possible, to young professionals, and single people, who have to eat cauliflower for a week when they buy one!”
One would think that this enticing concept comes with the corresponding price tag. Actually, if you are used to eating a can of tuna for dinner, you will probably find this service expensive, but if you usually prepare MissFresh’s type of meals, you will save money, in addition to obtaining high-quality ingredients! This concept is relatively new in Canada, so there is still a great need to promote awareness of meal-delivery services. “People aren’t familiar with this service yet, but we are confident that this will change through word of mouth.” And what has been said about MissFresh so far? “This concept has benefits we didn’t even expect! One woman told us before that it saved her marriage, because her husband would never help her prepare meals!”
Let’s build on this word-of-mouth approach. Having tested it myself, I can confirm that this service deserves to be tried at the very least, and possibly adopted! As a gift, if you enter the code LAREAU30, you will be given a $30-discount on your first order! Isn’t this a mouth-watering offer?