It happened on a Wednesday, on May 16, 1984, to be precise. Everything was set into motion on that day. Here is how my story began.
At the tender age of 21, I had gotten an interview to find a job in insurance — even though this was an industry I knew nothing of. The month of May is a very busy one for all insurance firms so you can only imagine what I was getting into…
I arrived for the interview with my head held up high on my 5 feet 6 inches frame. As the interview progressed, I saw my chances fade away because I had no insurance knowledge. At the end of my interview, I took my biggest gamble to date — I offered my services for free for the next two days, which were Thursday and Friday. To my great surprise, my offer was accepted!
That has been my best investment thus far. Today, I am still a person who loves life and who is very passionate about her work, a job that I have had for 32 years now.
Many things have changed since I have first started. Technology has been the biggest game changer. So long invoices that were all prepared manually and typewritten, goodbye whiteout in various colours, farewell four copies of the same invoice typewritten on white, pink, blue and yellow carbon paper!
Over the years, I too have changed. I have gained the skill requirements necessary to serve you well and to offer you products that cater to your situation. The industry has evolved immensely and I have had to study, analyze, read and reread several insurance guides to ensure my clients always get what’s best for them. Professionally, the passion I have for my work quickly gave me the sense of well-being that I was looking for and my hobbies can attest to that, such as motorbiking. Speaking of which, did you know that it is important for all motorcycle riders to have a liability insurance higher than 2M$ when they go to the States? Did you know that Umbrella insurance could be the solution in case of a serious event?
I always make sure to follow your changing reality to offer you the best advice and to adapt your insurance contract to your situation, thus making sure that you are adequately covered in case of a claim. And when this does happen, I am there to defend your interests so that you receive the compensation you are entitled to. In short, I always play the role of a true broker.
In 32 years, I have never walked backwards to get to work. From one year to the next, I continue to learn to stay on top of all the changes in my field and to understand all the aspects of my job. This enables me to serve you better and I will do so until the time comes for me to retire from the wonderful world of insurance.