Recently, malware of a type known as “ransomware” has been spreading quickly. As you may know, two examples of ransomware, “Petya” and “WannaCry,” have caused serious problems all over the world!
What is ransomware?
This type of malware primarily targets businesses. It gets into computers and blocks access to the victims’ data by encrypting them. Hackers then request payment to decrypt the files and allow the victims to access their computer system once again. However, even if the ransom is paid, there is no guarantee that the victims’ access to all of their computer files will be restored.
A few tips to prevent worst-case scenarios!
We know that you dedicate enormous time and effort to building your business. We also know that the data on your computer system, including customer, supplier, product, and financial information, are critical to your operations and success. That is why we have prepared a list of precautions designed to minimize your business’s vulnerability to cyberattacks.
- Update your software and Windows operating system (Windows XP, Windows 7 or Windows 10, for example) on all of your workstations;
- Be sure to use an up-to-date anti-virus software program. Also be sure to run virus scans regularly to detect and remove potential malware;
- Be alert and do not open e-mail from unknown sources. Most ransomware gets into computers through attachments to phishing e-mails or through hyperlinks;
- Save your critical files on a back-up storage device on a regular basis. This is the only sure way to recover your data fully in the event of a cyberattack;
- Ask your broker to add Cyber risk protection to your business insurance contract to protect yourself against hacking and cyber-extortion.
Be alert! Don’t let this happen to you!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your broker!