Roxanne Hébert-McKenzie Nathalie Lepage, CIP

Recreational Vehicle Insurance: Protection for All Types of Travellers!

When we think back on our childhood, we can all recall an uncle or a cousin who had a trailer on a campground not too far from our home that we would visit. Those memories were usually cherished ones. We’d spend the day on the campground, have a casual dinner and talk around a campfire until the wee hours of the morning.

Recreational vehicles were born over a hundred years ago. According to many historians, this would have been the first RV in 1910. It was then that Pierce-Arrow unveiled the first recreational vehicle equipped with back seats that could convert into a bed, a sink behind the driver’s side and a chamber pot. Let’s just say that today’s recreational vehicles have come a long way!

However, RVs truly gained popularity in the 1960s. Today, there in no limit to the amount of money you can spend on them. Some even exceed the million-dollar mark. Snowbirds will even go so far as to sell their home to invest in an RV in which they will live full time. This allows them to enjoy the beautiful landscapes and weather all year long.

A recreational vehicle is often synonymous with vacation. You either rent one or buy one. You use it to go camping in Quebec, in the United States, and even in the rest of Canada. When one thinks of vacation, one also thinks of peace of mind. What do you need to have peace of mind? A spare tire, a detailed itinerary of your trip and, of course, a good insurance coverage! This is precisely what you will get with RV insurance… provided that you properly assess your needs with your broker. Insurers offer interesting products customized for all caravanners in Quebec. Whether you’re staying in a stationary trailer at a campground all year long or the type to move around, this coverage offers everything you need.

The nomadic type

If staying put is not your thing, insurers can offer you a protection that will allow to rent another RV if yours is in need of repair following a loss for which you are covered. This means that your adventures won’t have to be interrupted. Your insurer can offer you, at no extra charge, coverage outside of Quebec for up to 6 months a year all the while maintaining the same conditions of your contract. Furthermore, most insurers also offer roadside assistance to help you out in case anything happens, such as an empty tank, a flat tire, etc. A 10-year waiver of depreciation applies for this type of RV.

For example, you’re vacationing in Old Orchard and you’ve left in your RV for a week. On your way back home, you run into some trouble on the road: as a result of a collision, your RV cannot be driven. What happens in such a situation? The towing charges will be covered by the insurer. Your RV is brought to the closest garage in the area so that repairs can be performed. This is where the extra expense coverage, included in your contract, comes in handy! A $3,000 protection is available to help cover the cost of hotels, restaurants and transportation related to your claim while your vehicle is under repair.

The sedentary type

For people who are more sedentary, who like to stay on the same campground all year long, other types of protection are available to you. A customized product designed for stationary recreational vehicles is what you need. We cover your recreational vehicle as well as your belongings found inside. If you decide to upgrade your space by adding a small patio, a shed or a pergola, your insurer can cover that as well! Insuring your golf cart that you leave on the campground is also no problem at all. A replacement cost without any form of depreciation for 20 years is available for this type of RV.

The adventurous type

For great adventurers or annuitants who wish to go on a big road trip, you can insure your recreational vehicle to go to Mexico! Some insurers have adapted their product, allowing people to ride their RV onto Mexican soil without any worries. However, this type of risk is not included in the underlying contract but can be added by contacting us.

In closing, an Umbrella insurance can also be a valuable add-on, given that not everybody is used to driving such large vehicles. Excess liability insurance should strongly be considered, particularly if your vehicle is used outside of Quebec!

If you are a member of the Fédération Québécoise de Camping et Caravaning (FQCC), you can get even lower premiums, in addition to exclusive offers only for its members.

RV insurers are aware that people want to fully enjoy the summer and their insurance products are adapted accordingly. By being properly insured, you won’t encounter any bad surprises should you have any mishaps with your RV. On that note, we wish you a beautiful summer, a wonderful vacation and, most of all, we hope you enjoy your recreational vehicle!

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Roxanne Hébert-McKenzie Personal-Lines Director
Damage Insurance Broker
See the profile
Nathalie Lepage, CIP Damage Insurance Broker See the profile

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